What is Truth?

Whether you celebrate Passover, Ramadan, Easter, a combination or none, we are all on a spiritual path. Sometimes we recognize it as such and just as often, it feels anything but spiritual. Spiritual explorations are messy, rarely linear and often fraught with wondering if you are the only person having these thoughts and feelings. This is regardless of religious belief systems and any spiritual practices. 
If it feels like it may be time to explore all of this and more with a small group of people do join me for the upcoming Spiritual Exploration. We will meet monthly virtually, connect as often as fits for you via an online group, and each quarter you will be invited to spend an hour, one-on-one, exploring whatever is on your heart or mind or soul. This will be done under the umbrella of a personal intention that you are guided to create based on you. 

This exploration is based on tenants or guideposts that have been applied for thousands of years, and closely align with most religious philosophies, without being an actual religion.  One of these is Satya, or truthfulness. Truth is rarely as easy in the sharing as it seems in the thinking. We are invited to notice the difference between opinion, fact and what is true. We are invited to observe when our words are, and are not aligned with the truth. This can be done by asking ourselves, before we speak, if what we are about to say is helpful, necessary, kind and, does my speaking improve upon the silence? Another aspect of truth is how we are showing up for ourselves and for others – fully and openly or with reservation and possibly even resentment. How are we lying – to ourselves and to others? What is so painful that we are unable or unwilling to share the truth? Each of these questions, and more,  combine to help us engage for an entire month in the aspects of Satya/truthfulness and how this shapes our spiritual being, our interactions, and informs our intention. It can be a twisting, turning journey, and will reveal aspects you have not previously noticed. 

Interested?  Have questions? Give me a call at 602-315-3438 or message me by clicking here and together we can explore if this journey is a fit for you. 


The Lump In My Throat & Tears In My Eyes


The H💚G