Accessing Your Intuition


Butterflies remind me of my mom. Shortly after she died, over six years ago, I awoke to the remnants of a dream about her that included a butterfly, specifically a monarch butterfly, soaring with complete abandonment into the heavens.  I knew it was her way of letting me know she was soaring, and to look for her in the butterflies. Since that time there have been many butterfly synergies that I trust are mom messages.

Some people might scoff at the idea that a loved one can send messages. I accept that is their choice.  Some have asked ‘how do you know’?  Of this I can assuredly respond, I know because it is my direct experience of the dream, and subsequent interactions.  It is my intuition that knows and I am learning with more and more certainty to trust this internal guidance. It has never led me astray.

The monarch butterfly is fascinating. As I’ve shared in a prior blog, and has been scientifically studied, monarchs are so sensitive to the cold, that they must migrate great distances from the north to the south to survive.  The southbound journey is done over a period of months with a ‘super equipped’ generation that delays reproduction until the journey is complete.  Northbound migration takes  three to five generations to complete. The lifespan of a monarch is but a few weeks, except for those super equipped to live for up to eight months to make the journey south.

How does one explain these scientific findings?  For me, it is quite simple. The butterflies have honed their survival mechanisms such that they live.  The how is less important than the wonder that this happens. It is a reminder of how much we have to understand about the innate intelligence that resides in living creatures. And if this intelligence is such that a monarch can take up to five generations to find their summer home, imagine, just try to imagine what the human innate intelligence capacity might be!

In our culture we’ve often stymied the consideration that there is a knowing beyond the books. Yet many, including me, innately have come to embrace a Divine nature, however we describe this – God/ Source/ Love/ Universal Consciousness – the name cannot capture this essence. And we are created from this essence and thus, even through pure logic, must have the ability to know what has not yet been discovered. Our intuition tells us so. Our experience, when we are open to the possibility, shows this to be true.

And so you ask how I know that it was my mom comforting me in the form of a butterfly? It doesn’t really matter how I know. I just do, and I trust and continue to be invited to explore the Divine intuitive guiding unfolding of each day.


Following an online I AM Yoga Therapy™ class this morning, I pause to intentionally listen to the experience of another. The subsequent sharing includes the idea of intuition. I describe intuition as trusting the inner promptings of God speaking. This resonates with both of us.  We go on to explore how childhood impressions of intuition continue to linger.

Think back to your childhood.  Do you remember being encouraged to explore the non-rational outside of a religious doctrine? And if not encouraged, was it even allowed?  We are created as intuitive beings. Often our intuitive knowing is stymied by real or imagined influences at an early age.  It then takes intentional focus and effort to reclaim that which we were born with and relied on as a child. When we take the leap and develop a relationship with our interior knowing or intuition, life changes. Yet, how do we start?

Every single unresolved experience continues to reside in our physical body at the cellular level. Many would say every single experience of our life is resident in our body. It is beyond the scope of current science to prove this and I know it to be true.  How?  Both via my direct experience and having witnessed the same in others.  Connecting with the somatic (the body as perceived from within) yields previously undiscovered insights that support the daily living experience called life.

One of the modalities supportive to accessing cellular memory is Yoga Therapy. Yoga’s foundational practices are based on the intuitive understanding of great masters who accessed this information thousands of years ago and who continue to articulate and share with relevance to today.  Scientific proof of what the yogic philosophy has known continues to be developed as ways of measuring improve. Yet, even proof is fraught with ambiguities so if you are looking for proof outside of your own experiences, this is not going to meet that need.

Yoga therapy works at the cellular level to create an environment where we can begin to tune into the messages our body is speaking. Each person’s experience is unique from session to session.  Sometimes we may feel more flexible and lighter. Sometimes the impact of a session is observed a few days after a session when there is a new awareness, or long suppressed questions appear. Often the body will communicate what is needed as the mind is asked to take a back seat so the body can be heard.

It is fascinating work to guide and to experience. Intrigued? Interested in cultivating intuition? Connect and let’s explore together.


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