Unhurried Trust

Creating reflectional intention; a new offering 


Letting go of the hurry, the rush, the ‘need to get this done now’ sense that unpins much of our waking hours… 

Equals an invitation of Unhurried Trust.

For the past year plus, my intention has been trust; upon waking, the invitation is to show up to trust. Sometimes this may be just that, sometimes it is accompanied with words following the trust.  

-Trust this day as it unfolds. 

-Trust the situation to reveal. 

-Trust you are where you are to be. 

-Trust the opportunity to serve as it presents itself. 

Along with this deep invitation of sinking into trust is the openness to noticing the subtle and not so subtle underpinning of being rushed. If I can get this done now, then I’ll have time for this. Or, noticing that even when there is not an immediate next, there can be an innate sense of subtle pushing to complete rather than allowing the journey to unfold with trust. 

These two words, Trust and Unhurried, have been the guideposts for the past 13 months.  They represent my intention for showing up daily with the invitation of unhurried trust. Having some form of intention helps to navigate the meanderings and straightness of life in the moment to moment. An intention can be a word(s), a phrase or an ‘I AM’ statement. Something that represents what is important to you and also is an area for growth, a place where we welcome subtle, ongoing shifts and changes. 

With the next year approaching, this is a typical time to pause, reflect, and consider ‘what elemental refinements are being invited to enhance our life?’ 

There are many ways to do this including:

  • Pausing to reflect on your way of showing up for life. In the past few days or months, what is being invited to be adjusted? Do this over a longer time set aside, or for a few minutes daily for a week or more. 

  • Journal about your life and what it is that you are noticing. Write about when you feel you are ‘at your best’ and ‘at your worst’ (Neither of those are ever really true for we just are, and you get what I am suggesting here.) Notice the common threads. Visualize what a change might feel like. 

  • Daily for a week set aside ten minutes to do nothing. Just sit still, quietly, without an agenda. Notice what shows up. At the end of ten minutes, perhaps make a few notes. At the end of week, review your notes and feel what there is to receive. 

  • Pick up a non-electronic magazine or book full of pictures that resonate with you. What pictures call to you? What is it about those pictures that call to you? Come back to this exercise again in a few days, and then again in a few days. Does what you noticed the first, second and third time remain the same or shift? Where is the common prompt? 

Using one of the above, or any practice that supports this journey, invites an intention to come forth for you to use until it no longer feels enhancing to your way of showing up. When that occurs, it may be time to begin again. 

Does this process sound of interest? If you have questions or would like support, please reach out

And if you’d like to work with a small group of support, join me for a two part intention setting and sharing; the first part is on Saturday, Dec. 17th at 8 AM and the second on Saturday, January 7th at 8 AM. Details are here.


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