Take Off Tuesday

Fueling the Soul in Unexpected Gardens

The allure of a Tuesday hiatus beckoned, this time whispering for something gentler than the usual invigorating hike. My heart longed for nature's embrace, but a quick online peek into my beloved Desert Botanical Gardens dashed my hopes. "Sold Out," the website declared, its digital voice tinged with melancholy.

Yet, a stubborn optimism bloomed within me. Armed with my membership card and a smile I hoped conveyed the sincerity of my yearning, I ventured forth. Standing in line, I carefully chose the ticket agent whose kind eyes mirrored the desert sun's warmth. As I presented my card, a story danced on my tongue – a tale of a weary soul seeking solace amidst cacti and blooms.

But before the words could form, the agent's face blossomed into a radiant grin. "Today, dear soul," she said, her voice music to my ears, "the gardens are free for all! A gift to the community." My plans for surreptitious entry evaporated, replaced by pure delight.

Stepping into the verdant haven, I felt the weight of the week melt away. Squirrels frolicked, rabbits peeked from shadows, quails scurried along paths, and a roadrunner paused to share my lunchtime solitude. Each rustling leaf, each sun-kissed blossom, whispered secrets of resilience and joy.

Around a bend, the unexpected bloomed again. A vibrant patio pulsated with life – a pop-up collage haven! Tables laden with scissors, glue, and overflowing magazine bins beckoned like a forgotten childhood joy. I surrendered to the playful urge, snipping and pasting my way into a kaleidoscope of color and texture. The act, so simple, resonated deeply – a reminder of the pure, unadulterated joy of creating for its own sake.

Further exploration led me to the mesmerizing exhibit of Maestro Baltero, an artist I'd recently encountered. Unburdened by the usual crowd, I sank into the video, each image a portal to worlds of imagination and beauty. When the lights dimmed, a young woman mirrored my decision to sit on the floor. Our eyes met, a silent understanding bridging the age gap. As the final credits rolled, she offered a hand, her kind gesture echoing the unexpected generosity of the day.

My "Take Off Tuesday" ended with a curious roadrunner serenade, the desert sunset a fiery masterpiece. With each step homeward, I felt lighter, brighter, my soul refueled.

This wasn't just a nature escape; it was a serendipitous symphony of kindness, creativity, and wonder. It was a reminder that sometimes, the most nourishing moments bloom in the most unexpected corners, nurtured by the open heart and the courage to embrace the unfamiliar.

So, dear reader, I invite you to embark on your own "Take Off Tuesday" adventure. Let go of the rigid plans, embrace the whispers of your soul, and see where the path, paved with curiosity and serendipity, may lead. You might just be surprised by the beauty, the connections, and the renewed perspective that awaits. Look for it and it will find you. 

Of course, your day and time may be very different; each of my Take Off Tuesdays varies. And, each help me fill my cup and tap into the quiet inner wisdom present when I just am, just BEING.

What will your "Take Off Tuesday" look like? Share your stories in the comments below!


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